I love beach days, especially during the summer, because there’s so much to do. The kids indulge in sand and water games and make new friends as I relax and soak in the sun. However, many safety hazards make hitting the beach daunting sometimes. You need to think about rip currents, sunburn, heat, sudden big waves, and creatures that leave you wondering if the beach is safe for toddlers. Luckily,
It is safe to take toddlers to the beach for lots of fun in the sun. Your family will enjoy the full beach experience if you take the necessary safety precautions and keep an eye on the toddlers.
Of course, it always seems hectic at first, but it gets easier once you understand these precautions. With that said, I have listed 7 vital beach safety tips that will make your next beach trip less stressful.
1. Educate Your Toddlers about Beach Safety
Your toddler might be young, but it’s vital that you talk to them about beach safety. You don’t have to go into detail, but tell them to keep their distance from the water and wear the right apparel. In addition, teach them what each beach sign means and why they should pay attention.
Toddlers are more attentive than we think. So, pay attention to lessons about avoiding rip currents or identifying marine life because they’ll be sure to alert you when they see one. But, most importantly, teach your toddler how to swim before you allow them anywhere near the open water.
2. Pay Attention to Beach Conditions and Advisories
Public and private beach waters are tested regularly to ensure their safety. So, take some time to read through the advisories before you head out for beach day. For example, confirm the weather conditions, water quality, and beach access. Sometimes, the beach may be closed for the day.
In addition, always check the swimming advisories, so you know what to bring on your beach trip. Usually, beaches highlight long-term and short-term swimming advisories, such as enclosed areas due to high bacteria or inconsistent rip currents. It’s important to observe all regulations to avoid accidents.

3. Sunscreen, Sunscreen, and More Sunscreen
Sunscreen should be your number one beach essential before heading out because it adds a protective layer to your toddler’s skin. Usually, families head to the beach when the sun is out, meaning your toddler’s skin will be exposed to harsh sun rays.
Therefore it is vital that you apply enough sunscreen on their fragile skin before leaving the house. In fact, pack extra sunscreen in your bag, along with other beach essentials, so you can reapply whenever they engage in water play.
Remember to carry sunscreen for yourself as well because your skin is just as important. Avoiding sunscreen has serious repercussions, such as exposing your and your toddler’s skin to cancer, sunburns, aging, and broken blood vessels.
4. Ensure Your Toddlers Has the Right Beach Apparel
As parents, we spend a lot of time worrying about how to make the beach fun for toddlers. But do you ever pay attention to their beach apparel? Or is a swimsuit, towels, and goggles all you pack?
Believe it or not, beach apparel can positively or negatively affect your toddler’s beach experience. For example, some wetsuits and swimming costumes don’t protect our child’s skin from sun rays, while others limit their movement inside water.
Therefore, as you pack and prepare, look for the right apparel, including UV-protected wet suits, floaties, water shoes, hats, and gloves. You should also purchase life jackets for yourself and your toddler if you intend to join them in a swim session.
It may seem like you’re packing many items, but as they say, it’s always better to be safe than sorry, especially when dealing with toddlers. After all, their skin is still highly delicate, and you must protect it at all costs. But before they put on anything, apply enough baby-friendly sunscreen all over their bodies.
5. Set Up your Area near the Lifeguard Station
At this point, you have packed the right apparel, applied sunscreen, and observed all advisories; now what? Well, once you get to the beach, set up your spot within the vicinity of a lifeguard station.
Toddlers run around a lot, and you can never be too safe, especially if you go to the beach without company. So, setting up near the lifeguard stations ensures you have multiple sets of eyes to help you monitor your toddlers.
For example, when my kids were younger, I often went to the beach without my husband. Beach day was hectic on such days, but the lifeguards were a huge help. If one kid ran towards the ocean, a lifeguard was already on the lookout to help them swim on the shores.
6. Brings Lots of Water!
Yep! You’ll need plenty of water to curb dehydration and limit the chances of cranky toddlers at the beach. Generally, the beach is hot and sandy, and the kids will spend time in salty water, leading to dehydration.
Therefore, you must have enough fresh water for the entire family. In fact, why not bring a cooler so the water can remain cool despite the high temperatures? Your toddlers will thank you.
Apart from water, you should pack juices, fruits, and snacks, so your kids are fed throughout the day. Remember, they’ll play several sand and water games that drain their energy and empty their stomachs.

7. Utilize the Buddy System
Lifeguards are great and highly useful, but sometimes, they’re overwhelmed by the high number of beachgoers. So, applying the buddy system ensures you have an additional set of eyes on your toddlers.
If you’re wondering what the buddy system is, it involves encouraging your toddlers to explore the beach with a friend. Then, you’ll pair the younger kids with older kids or teenagers to ensure their safety. The older ones will help them swim and guide them away from restricted or dangerous areas.
If you have teenage kids or nephews and nieces, you can ask them to join you at the beach, so they help with the toddlers. Moreover, having additional help gives you time to relax, read a book, or have a drink to unwind.
If you adhere to these tips and precautions, the beach will definitely be safe for your toddlers. The goal is to take the toddlers to the beach without fussing and provide a safe environment for maximum fun. We hope these tips help you achieve that goal.